Red Nose Hacker


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Previously :

The next item on the todo list is Invoke tearDown afterward. But before doing this one, Kent wanted to take care of the order in which the procedures are called. This brings a new item : Log strings in WasRun.

So in this chapter we are going to implement a small logging system then the tearDown test fixture.

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Previously :

The next item on the todo list : Invoke setUp first

So here we will implement the test fixture usually called setup or beforeEach in other testing frameworks. It aims to execute code before any test function.

Let's see how it's done !

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Previously :

This first step, to an xUnit implementation, was pretty fun. You can taste it with the introductory sentence :

« Driving a testing tool using the testing tool itself to run the tests may seem a bit like performing brain surgery on yourself. »

Let's see how far can I push this adaptation in the Guile programming language.

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I like to write tests in a specification based fashion. So I started to work on Guile-Spec.

At the time of writing this post, it's no more than a set of syntax-rules on top of SRFI-64.

Let's see how it feels…

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I love Test Driven Development. You might already know it if you are following my journey. Kent Beck wrote the book in 2002. He has chosen to provide examples using Java and Python in an Object Oriented way.

Now, I want to use the Guile programming language to follow the examples in the book and see how things are different !

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J'ai pris l'habitude de faire environ 30 minutes de Code Kata chaque matin. Je pratique ces Kata suivant la méthode du développement dirigé par les tests (TDD).

Guile est distribué le module SRFI-64 : un framework de test unitaire. Dans cet article, je t'explique comment l'utiliser et comment le configurer.

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I got into the habit of doing about 30 minutes of Code Kata every morning. I practice these Kata following the test-driven development (TDD) approach.

Guile distribution includes the SRFI-64 module: a unit testing framework. In this article, I explain how to use it and how to configure it in order to practice code kata.

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Dans cette session...

Je me remet en jambe avant la rentrée avec un nouveau kata (l'intitulé est fourni en commentaire dans le code plus bas) ! Je cherche un moyen de rendre mes tests explicites ! Pour ce faire, je tente de combiner les symboles et les wildcards.

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Le dernier test ajouté (et tous les autres) passent, place au réusinage ! Je me concentre dans cette session sur les tests.

Tu peux retrouver le code source du projet et autres croustillants détails sur son dépôt !

Bon screencast !

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Objectif de cette session : Continuer d'utiliser un peu plus d'outils que Guile (Scheme) et Emacs mettent à disposition (Paredit, Geiser, AC-Geiser, SRFIs) pour améliorer mes compétences en développement logiciel.

Bon screencast !

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